Tuesday, September 23, 2008

My center

"The shift I propose begins with youth workers who live out of the wholeness of their own souls, who nurture a personal spirituality that makes Jesus Christ the center of everything. Youth need youth workers who dwell in the presence of God and are willing to walk along with them on the journey regardless of how often they are prone to personal detours." (Presence-Centered Youth Ministry: Guiding Students into Spiritual Formation by Mike King, p 11)

A new project my boss gave me yesterday is to go through a book he's read and type up everything he's underlined - sort of offer a taste of the content to those who don't read as often as he. I really like this project for a number of reasons. Primarily because I learn. The above quote was the first one I typed up. Impactful. My journal response:
"All I have to offer is my brokenness."


  1. Carey, I really appreciate you posting this quote on your blog. First, thanks for taking on these projects! We have been blessed at SGC to have someone like you in student ministries...Kristen led the way! :) It's so cool to think that your summaries will be read by those who may have never touched the content. Second, I think it's because I am prone to personal detours I can journey alongside a student. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
