Sunday, January 30, 2011

January 30, 2010

I made this collage with just a few of my favorite images from our wedding day. There is one from our engagement pictures and even one from our honeymoon in there, too :o) I will upload a few more the next time I have a minute, because there are definitely a handful missing. Including a great one of my husband with his brothers!

Our wedding day truly was a blast. If I tried to describe it I'd be here all day. It was a day full of laughter, smiles, dancing, eating, promises, prayers, friends and family. Not everyone could make it, but we knew we were loved by each and every one of the people who came and who couldn't come. The sun was out, it wasn't too cold, and we went home with tired feet and full hearts.

Thank you to everyone who made January 30, 2010 a day to remember.

Monday, January 3, 2011

One at a time

Writing allows me the opportunity to know myself better. And I love it. I sit and hatch an idea or I process through life with the written word. Unfortunately I seem to find other things to take its place. In early November I found myself promising to blog each week. I have failed at that, a simple 30 minute exercise. I have begun to write my family more. That was interrupted by the holidays, but I fully expect to pick it up again. By now I was supposed to have my book fully drafted. I barely worked on it the past four months.

The fact of the matter is we assign things a certain importance. When something is important enough we find the time to do it. I have discovered a simple fact, though. Some of the things that I need most I find difficult to schedule into my "busy" life. It's like I'm being tricked. It has been made unmistakingly clear to me that I need to finish my book. Even if I never publish it, God has given me something to share and I must share it. Blogging allows me a simple and quick method of writing, something I find soothing and cleansing to the soul. My Bible reading is pathetic and my soul shrivels from lack of time spent in the oasis of prayer.

I am a writer. Therefore I must write. I am a child of God. Therefore I must spend time with Him. He has charged me with encouraging and lifting up His people. Therefore I must pray and read His word and be with His people. I have been tricked by the sense of being overwhelmed. Where do I possibly begin? At the beginning.

One day at a time. One choice at a time. One word at a time, be it spoken, read, or written. Just one at a time.